Posts on Teaching and Parenting under Covid-19
Here's my ongoing doc of peer-reviewed studies on SARS-CoV-2.
Year 1 (Jan-Aug 2020) --> Lockdown:
Schools closed in March, on full lockdown, and we taught asynchronously from home. I spent March Break making videos for all my classes, and was up for the challenge created by Covid. I argued that the board's messaging, that marks couldn't go down from this point, set up Careers and Civics teachers for headaches, just starting new classes with students who didn't expect to have to do anything.
20-01-27 - But Thinking is So Much Work! -- we knew about Covid in January 2020
20-03-11 - COVID 19 and Pascal
20-03-15 - Can Public School Teachers Teach from Home?
20-03-16 - On Pandemics and the Climate
20-03-20 - The New Normal
20-03-21 - On Expectation* -- obsessive internal focus -- the beginning of an anxiety disorder -- watch my slow descent from all the crazy-making by following the posts with *
20-04-04 - I'm Fine, Really* -- first saved bit on wearing masks in April 2020 (I emailed staff about masks in March, but was shot down by a science teacher who was seen as more credible - wish I had saved that exchange!) - and my first panic attack!
20-05-10 - We're Getting Re-opened in the Morning! -- we knew about ventilation issues
20-05-26 - Opening Schools in September -- I advocated for masks, but also hand washing
20-06-29 - In Retrospect: School in the Time of Covid -- we knew herd immunity won't work by June 2020
20-07-09 - On Laws and Common Sense -- people objected to masks before mandates; it was very clear we can infect others without knowing if we're infected -- asymptomatic transmission -- by July 2020
20-08-23 - Risk Assessment for September
By July 2020, we knew that we cannot count on herd immunity for this, and people can have it and transmit it without any symptoms (how did everyone forget or unlearn this???), but also that masks and good ventilation work to reduce the spread. We had all the knowledge and tools we needed, but neglected to use them.
Year 2 (Sept 20 - Aug 21)--> Mask and Distance:
Quadmesters! 2 courses for 2 months each, alternating 2 weeks at a time. I had my prep times at the very beginning and ending of the year, so I taught October to May without any time to prepare or mark. First semester, we taught hybrid (15 kids in the room, 15 at home), with one class at a time for two weeks, with all kids eating a 10 a.m. lunch together indoors, with no option to leave. I questioned that indoor lunch break since we could have easily let them leave for the day at 12:00. Masks were mandatory except when eating, but teachers had to wear loose surgical masks provided. I snuck in N95s. Classes would go for regular walks around the school, and I asked if we could go in one direction so people would stop smashing into each other, but was told it's not my place to question the rules. A few months later they suggested we walk clockwise. I taught a section online, but had to do it from inside the school, and they didn't have a room for me, so I made a desk out of a plank of wood! But I learned what an enormous difference a good Principal makes in the remote learning system. We were all under a lockdown (teaching from home) from Jan. 8 to Feb. 16, 2021.
20-09-02 - Oh--What's a Teacher to Do? - letter to the board about mid-morning mask breaks
20-09-28 - The Fogginess of These Times* -- I figured out that we should protect our eyes too
20-12-06 - Mental Illness in Covid Times* -- being driven crazy by people who think it's silly to want to wear masks, way back in December 2020
20-12-25 - Unforeseen Custody Issues: Who Could Have Predicted THIS?* - the stress when a co-parent is on a different page is very real
21-01-14 - Freedom at Any Cost
Second semester, vaccinations became available to adults, then kids. I worked fully online and was allowed to work from home! But I still had to sit in a room during my prep period, and sometimes I ended up in an empty stairwell to avoid teachers working without masks. We had one more lockdown from April 12th to the end of June, which meant I didn't have to spend June in the school for my prep period - that came after I finished teaching all my courses!
21-05-10 - Safe Schools in September - Second Try* - the CDC and WHO both acknowledge it's airborne transmission by May 2021, NYT's wrote about "hygiene theatre," and I started calling in sick in order to be able to work
21-05-16 - Got a Better Idea?
21-06-14 - Paranoid or Prescient? Does it Matter?* - first time accosted in the street for my mask in June 2021
21-08-22 - On Work and Connection*
Year 3 (Sept. 21-Aug 22)--> Mask and Vax:
First semester, we had two classes/day, rotating weekly, all in masks, and kids could choose to eat inside or outdoors. It was pretty manageable, but could have been made safer with better masks, filtration, and ventilation.
21-10-03 - The View from Here: Preventing School Spread of Covid-19 - rapid tests repossessed by Ford - they're for businesses only, not the public; first mention of CR boxes in October 2021
21-10-10 - Nobody's Rules - Arendt - teachers finally allowed to wear N95s
21-10-16 - On Moral Injury*
21-10-30 - On Burnout*
21-11-21 - Still Going On About Masks!!
21-12-28 - Parenting in the Time of Covid*
22-01-08 - Juris My Diction Crap - vaccination rules make no sense - vax only effective for months
22-01-23 - Bad News is Increasing, but More Slowly?* - school screeners focus on symptoms despite half of cases spread asymptomatically
22-01-30 - Lunatic Fringe?* - colleagues on FB making fun of people wearing masks - this is a vascular, brain-invasive virus - 100% of cases have micro-clots in the blood
Second semester, we had four classes/day (the regular system). Mask mandates were dropped in March, 2022. I fought for masks and Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in the classroom. I got nowhere. I left teaching early on a mental health leave in April, two months before my official retirement date.
22-03-05 - On Masks, Ventilation, and Contact Tracing - Yes, Again! - delegated to the board to try to keep my CR box - failed miserably - chanika later said no teachers should ever be allowed to delegate
22-03-13 - On Removing Mask Mandates
22-03-21 - Not Dead Yet! *
22-04-18 - Masks Work - board messaging around not segregating unmasked kids from others - even from immunocompromised students -- we must put them in groups together -- forced infection much?!!
22-05-18 - Are We Being Manipulated to Ignore Covid?
22-05-19 - Pandemic Amnesia
22-05-27 - So, Where are We Headed?
22-06-10 - On Masks and Narcissism
22-06-16 - And on to LongCovid
22-06-27 - Open Letter to Universities Removing Mask Mandates - WLU reinstated mandates!!
22-07-11 - A Plague of Willful Incompetence - great "Don't Breath It In" PSA
22-07-20 - Masked and Vaxed in School
22-08-08 - Covid-Free Schools are Possible
22-08-16 - Strap One on for Safety (3QD article)
22-08-17 - A Useful Crisis
22-08-17 - On Finding Answers in Research
22-08-19 - Privatization in Ontario
22-08-28 - On Divisiveness
Year 4 (Sept 22 - Aug 23) --> Infect around and find out!
Back to "normal" - regular classes and no masks despite higher case numbers. Thank God I'm retired - but I'm still fighting to keep the kids safer in schools as a Trustee now! I passed a motion to encourage kids to wear a mask in school in December, and helped re-work a mandate to have a pilot program to check CO2 in classes actually begin in three schools. Then I quit in April once I realized how little I could actually do in that position, plus being openly despised (and threatened) by both anti-mask and pro-masks groups. And I wrote obsessively about Covid and started taking courses towards another masters to distract me from this mess! WLU was one of the last universities with mask mandates, and they dropped them in summer, then brought the back in August 2022, then dropped them in February 2023, just before kids come to visit schools! I've been successful at convincing classmates to still wear them, but profs are not on board at all - some request masks come off when students speak. (I had no intention, when I retired to write every day; it just happened like that!)
22-09-01 - On Peanut Butter and Covid in Schools
22-09-07 - It Ain't Over!
22-09-13 - How Much Harm is Immoral?
22-09-13 - On Vaccine Mandates
22-09-17 - On Not Grasping for the Good
22-09-18 - What to Do if Our Classrooms Aren't Safe
22-09-23 - Pandemic vs Endemic
22-10-09 - On Being a Bad Person (3QD article)
22-10-13 - 77 Things to Hate about Covid
22-10-15 - The New Wave
22-10-19 - The Breath of Fools
22-10-20 - Campaigning on Covid (3QD article)
22-10-22 - Gonsalves' The Death Eaters
22-10-26 - Covid and Kids
22-10-27 - Mask Court Case in Alberta
22-10-28 - The John Snow Project on Spooky Masks
22-10-29 - Portable UV Sanitation: A Pricey Solution
22-11-03 - A Panel of Experts on Ending the Covid Public Health Threat -- Delphi Consensus
22-11-04 - On a Lighter Note: David Cross on Covid
22-11-05 - The Cult of Covid
22-11-11 - We Need Mask Mandates Now!
22-11-13 - Viral about that Virus
22-11-14 - The Polycrisis and Planetary Palliative Care
22-11-15 - Where Does the Buck Stop on Mandates??
22-11-17 - Science of Mask Efficiency
22-11-23 - A 12-Step Solution to Fix Healthcare
22-11-24 - On OCDSB's Mask Motion
22-12-02 - History of Mask Controversy
22-12-04 - Five Questions for the Minister of Health
22-12-05 - Those Darn Hibernating Viruses!
22-12-07 - How Bad Does it Have to Get??
22-12-07 - Sweden's Pandemic Experiment
22-12-07 - Complete Chaos
22-12-11 - The Big Con - Time to Wise Up
22-12-12 - On the Social Disease of Anger
22-12-13 - An Ask to Mask in Class
22-12-14 - What's a Government to Do?
22-12-16 - Ventilation and Viral Evolution
22-12-17 - A Polite Request is NOT a Mandate
22-12-19 - Do Masks Harm Children?
22-12-23 - Evidence on Both Sides
22-12-23 - Hiding a Pandemic in Plain Sight
22-12-26 - SARS #1 and Collective Amnesia
22-12-27 - Politics of Hopelessness
22-12-29 - It's Time to Clear the Air
23-01-05 - We Need to Talk about Kraken (XBB.1.5)
23-01-14 - Unmasked People, Unmasked in Their Own Way
23-01-17 - OPSBA Conference in the Time of Covid
23-01-28 - It's a Social Problem, not a Medical Problem
23-01-30 - What Went Wrong? Hubris
23-02-23 - Marooned in Anomie
23-03-02 - Understanding Long Covid
23-03-05 - In the News...
23-03-15 - International Long Covid Awareness Day
23-03-31 - Where We're At: It's Still Here!
23-04-03 - Looking for the Enlightened
23-04-06 - Age of Absurdity
23-04-10 - We're Not Ready for This
23-04-19 - Forced Exposure in Hospitals
23-04-29 - Social Darwinism and "Useless Eaters"
23-05-01 - Why Take the Risk?
23-05-02 - There is No Cure for Covid Except Maybe MAiD
23-05-05 - On Grief and the WHO and Culpability
23-05-10 - So Close!
23-05-13 - CDC's Revised Guidelines
23-05-16 - Covid Info-Graphics
23-05-19 - ME/CFS as a Guide to Long Covid
23-05-22 - We Don't Have to Help it Fail
23-05-23 - On Prosocial Cuing
23-05-24 - Strep A Causing Fatalities in the Region
23-05-25 - The Need to Grow
23-05-29 - Kids Today!
23-05-30 - Pandemic Historic Ties to Fascism
23-05-31 - On Letting them Fail
23-06-01 - Why We're Not Keeping Kids Safe from Covid
23-06-02 - Social Identity and Narratives
23-06-02 - A Quick Evolution of Masking
23-06-03 - Ely's Long Covid Disability Roulette
23-06-05 - Spot the Difference!
23-06-06 - On Track for Privatization
23-06-07 - PSA: Ontario Pollution Concentrations
23-06-07 - Conformity Experiments
23-06-09 - Ontario School Safety
23-06-10 - Brain Fusion and Long Covid
23-06-11 - We're Reaping What We've Sown
23-06-12 - Ideology and Indoctrination
23-06-13 - When Hospitals Remove Protections
23-06-14 - Climate Conspiracy
23-06-17 - A Laughing Matter
23-06-19 - On Debating Science
23-06-24 - It's all the Scientists' Fault!
23-06-25 - We're Back to Rhetoric of Welfare Cheaters
23-06-27 - Teaching in the Face of a Bleak Future
23-06-28 - Covid of Cov-AIDS??
23-06-29 - Lost Counterculture
23-06-30 - Plus C'est la Même Chose
23-07-02 - Precautions Still Make Sense
23-07-03 - Undarkened Generations and Pizza Dip
23-07-04 - NRPI - No Real Person Involved
23-07-07 - Cognitive Decline in Children
23-07-08 - Could This Be You?
23-07-09 - Emperor's New Clothes 2.0
23-07-10 - On Training Children
23-07-11 - Intersecting Crises: The Winning Mindset
23-07-12 - What Do We Tell the Kids?
23-07-13 - How the Media Works
23-07-18 - Mixing Church and State
23-07-18 - Depending on One Another
23-07-19 - The Deadly Destruction of the Innocents
23-07-19 - Not So Different from the US
23-07-20 - Darwin on our Capacity for Love
23-07-21 - Science as a Way of Thinking
23-07-22 - Covid's Effects on Lymphocytes
23-07-23 - A Microcosm of Arguments
23-07-25 - BMJ: The World Expected More of Canada
23-07-26 - Extremist Group Criteria
23-07-28 - Sometimes, Québec Does it Better
23-07-29 - AMOC - What it is and Why You Should Care
23-07-31 - Measuring Risk in the Woods
23-08-01 - Covid on the Brain
23-08-03 - Back to Basics - Again
23-08-05 - Cleaning Air
23-08-09 - A Return to Social Cohesion
23-08-10 - Get Vaccinated This Fall!!
23-08-11 - What if We All Masked Just for One Month??
23-08-12 - Open Letter from OSS
23-08-13 - Eris, Fornax, and a Hopeful Petition
23-08-14 - Cultural Differences of ASD
23-08-15 - The Problem with Asymptomatic Cases
23-08-16 - Minimize Disease to Maximize Trade
23-08-18 - Can We Make it Three More Years?
23-08-19 - Pan-Variant Vaccines on the Horizon
23-08-20 - Over 90,000 Canadian Deaths and Counting
23-08-22 - A Bit About Poetry
23-08-23 - The Science of Hand Washing
23-08-24 - On Student Absences
23-08-26 - Take a Mask, Leave a Mask
23-08-27 - Targeted Protection
23-08-29 - We See What We Want to See
23-08-30 - Mehdi Hasan on Covid Contrarians
23-08-31 - On Parental Rights
Year 5 (Sept 23 - Aug 24) --> Denial and Rationalizations for the Win!
Back to "normal" big time! Almost nobody is wearing masks, hospitals are overflowing, and death and disabilities are increasing - of course - and shocking few are connecting the dots to Covid. I'm still trying to get masks on classmates in my university, but this term hit a lot of "just stay home" backlash! Then I left school in April 2024 with just a diploma instead of a degree. It wasn't worth the fight.
23-09-01 - Endgame Vision
23-09-03 - The Vulnerable Will Fall by the Wayside
23-09-05 - We're Mutant Enablers
23-09-07 - Covid and the Brain
23-09-12 - Still Working on Filtration Units
23-09-14 - How Vaccines Work
23-09-15 - How to Profit from Pandemics
23-09-16 - Stages of Genocide
23-09-17 - The Weirdness of Now
23-09-19 - Covid or Climate: Can't It Be Both?
23-09-20 - Myths We Live By, and Die By
23-09-21 - Chasing Pirola
23-09-22 - Children Risk More Illnesses after Covid
23-09-24 - Staying Healthy Takes Work
23-09-25 - Known Knowns and Known Unknowns
23-09-26 - On Teaching Public Health
23-09-27 - Love Wins Over Hate
23-09-28 - We are ALL the Immunocompromised!
23-09-29 - Blazing a New Trail, Literally
23-09-30 - Courage to Admit our Mistakes
23-10-01 - Covid, the T-Shirt
23-10-02 - Ignorance is No Longer a Defence
23-10-04 - Accepting the Things We Cannot Change - Yet
23-10-06 - Breathe, Grieve, Love, Repeat
23-10-07 - The Truth is Out There
23-10-08 - Faulty Wiring
23-10-09 - Media Subterfuge
23-10-10 - Save David Tennant From Invasion!!
23-10-11 - I Needed This Today
23-10-12 - It's Like the Sun
23-10-14 - Manufacturing Consent to Spread SARS-CoV-2
23-10-16 - Trapped by Our Insouciance
23-10-18 - The Big Lie of Covid Herd Immunity
23-10-20 - Improving Air Quality for Children Act
23-10-21 - Pet Lovers Revolt!
23-10-22 - The Odds are Not EVER in Our Favour!
23-10-23 - Covid is Weakening Us as a Species
23-10-25 - We are Afraid
23-10-26 - Covid at Work
23-10-27 - N95s Should Be the Default
23-10-28 - Politicization of Masks
23-10-29 - Covid Affects Children! Who Knew??
23-10-30 - Yup, It's Still Airborne
23-11-02 - Nothing New
23-11-05 - The Central Error of the Pandemic
23-11-07 - Kearl Lake Outbreak of 2020
23-11-09 - Newsflash: Covid Should Be Avoided
23-11-10 - Consumption is Back in Vogue
23-11-11 - Culture of Uncare or Pandemic of Inhumanity
23-11-12 - How It Began
23-11-13 - We Need to Backtrack and Explain the Disease
23-11-14 - From Childcare to Prisons
23-11-15 - On Legislating Kindness
23-11-18 - Party Like It's 1699
23-11-19 - Compassion as the Antidote for Capitalism
23-11-20 - The Moonshot to End the Pandemic
23-11-21 - On Learning Loss
23-11-23 - A Genius of a Virus
23-11-24 - A Brief History of Letting It Rip
23-11-25 - It's a Ruse!
23-11-26 - These Masks are Made for Walking...Pneumonia
23-11-27 - How to Know
23-11-28 - Fracking Hell!
23-11-29 - New Covid: It's the Real Thing
23-11-30 - The System Isn't the Problem
23-12-01 - Are the Covid Inquiries Just for Show?
23-12-02 - It's Not the Lockdowns. It's the Covid!
23-12-04 - Too Poor to Live, But Not Too Well to Die
23-12-05 - Just Safe Stories
23-12-07 - Living in a Nightmare
23-12-09 - It's Still Not a Cold
23-12-10 - The Daycare Years
23-12-11 - Art to Guide the Masses
23-12-12 - The One with the Apocalypse
23-12-13 - A Disaster Groundhog Day
23-12-15 - There's Money in Prevention
23-12-16 - Mini-Study on ND vs NT Use of Masks
23-12-18 - On Lookers and Thinkers
23-12-20 - Canadian Excess Deaths Report
23-12-22 - Covid Defences Matching Game
23-12-22 - Songs for the Season
23-12-23 - Long Covid Tag
23-12-24 - Realistic Faith: Strength for Those Who Look
23-12-26 - What Seems Impossible Can Become Inevitable
23-12-27 - On the Fog of Covid
23-12-28 - The Boiling Frogs Timeline
24-01-01 - Covid is Finally a Concern!
24-01-02 - Bernie, #PodSaveJon, and the Rest of Us
24-01-04 - Can We Get Some Leadership Here?
24-01-05 - McKinsey's Effect on Public Health
24-01-06 - Covid Won't Go Away on its Own
24-01-08 - Livable Basic Income Bill
24-01-10 - A New Vaccine Study is Giving Me Hope!
24-01-11 - Vaccines are Still Part of the Solution
24-01-12 - Covid Basics in Just Five Minutes
24-01-13 - Spread the Word, Not the Virus
24-01-14 - Teaching with Covid in Class
24-01-15 - Let'er Rip Means Let THEM R.I.P.
24-01-16 - The Answer is Less Virus
24-01-20 - Lab Leak Theory Has Backing
24-01-21 - Grand Theft Immunity
24-01-22 - Covid's Immune Response Suppression
24-01-24 - We Need Policy Based on Evidence, not Vibes
24-01-25 - Peak Advancement
24-01-26 - More on Covid and the Brain
24-01-28 - N95s Reduce the Risk
24-01-30 - The New Impaired Driving Issue
24-02-04 - Something is Very Broken
24-02-05 - Dr. Duncan's Interview on Long Covid
24-02-06 - It's a Virus that's Here to Stay
24-02-07 - Mask Up for Measles!!
24-02-10 - What Makes it Worth the Risk?
24-02-11 - On Normal and Nihilism
24-02-12 - Your Brain on Covid
24-02-22 - Still Not a Cold
24-02-24 - Infection Control Measures. Work
24-02-25 - Two Steps Forward...
24-02-27 - Covid Info for Therapists
24-02-29 - Permitting Preventable Suffering in Children
24-03-01 - Willful Blindness
24-03-03 - Avoiding Pathogens Benefits Babies
24-03-06 - Erosion of Public Health
24-03-07 - How We Look after the Least Fortunate
24-03-08 - Nothing Changed but the Rules
24-03-10 - Canadian Covid Society
24-03-11 - A Most Dangerous Place
24-03-11 - At the Movies
24-03-12 - For the Next Doctor's Visit
24-03-13 - Lewy, Lewy, Me Gotta Go
24-03-14 - Our Curious Relationship with Covid Studies
24-03-15 - Shame-Free Guide to Masks
24-03-15 - A Long Post for Long Covid Awareness Day!
24-03-16 - Why Resist Clean Air?
24-03-17 - Hiding in Plain Sight
24-03-20 - The Enshittification of Health Care
24-03-21 - When the Rain Comes
24-03-24 - Some Meds that Might Help
24-03-27 - Cognitive Tests
24-03-29 - One Step Forward...
24-03-31 - Four Long Years
24-04-04 - Avian Flu and You
24-04-11 - Hostility Creating Isolation
24-04-15 - On Psychosomatic Illness
24-04-23 - Another School Came Around - Not Soon Enough
24-04-25 - Imagine if Goliath Had Won
24-05-09 - Funding Applicable Covid Research
24-05-12 - All for Health, Health for All
24-05-16 - Covid and Crypto
24-05-19 - Harmful Misinformation
24-05-28 - We CAN Reduce Illnesses!
24-06-04 - We Can Get Used to Anything
24-06-05 - We Can't Unknow What We Know
24-06-06 - Our Current Consumerist Culture is Doomed AF
24-06-07 - Living in a False Reality
24-06-13 - Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You
24-06-14 - Good News: You CAN Be Saved!
24-06-19 - Avoid the Best to Avoid the Rest
24-06-20 - Hope for Long Covid in IgG Study
24-06-29 - Masking Like a Movie Star
24-07-06 - CDC Protecting Interests Instead of People
24-07-07 - Y'all Masking: The Solidarity in Safety
24-07-08 - Ethics of Risk Taking
24-07-13 - Covering Up a Pandemic
24-07-15 - Unmasking the Real Villain
24-07-21 - Where There's Money, There's Masks
24-07-22 - It's World Brain Day!
24-07-24 - Suffering from Premature Emaskulation?
24-08-02 - Who Can We Blame for All of This??
24-08-05 - The Psychology of Diving into Polluted Water
24-08-06 - In Need of a Church of the Covid Informed
24-08-09 - Fudging the Numbers for Calm Mongering
24-08-12 - Covid Olympics
24-08-21 - Worst Scenario for a School Start Yet
24-08-22 - Avoiding an MPOX on All Our Houses
24-08-26 - Canadian Public Health Has Spoken
24-08-27 - Back to School in a Wave
24-08-28 - Costs of Disability
24-08-30 - Appropriate Fear and Respect
Year 6 (Sept 24 - Aug 25) --> MORE Denial and Rationalizations for the Win!
Nobody is wearing masks, hospitals are overflowing, and death and disabilities are increasing.
24-09-01 - Aim in the Right Direction
24-10-16 - Long Covid Resources
24-10-17 - Leafs are Falling
24-10-21 - Capitalism's Effect on Bird Flu
24-10-22 - Masking in Hospitals
24-10-25 - Break the Chain of Transmission!
24-11-05 - Everyone Seems Fine ≠ Long Covid is a Myth
24-11-14 - The Pandemicene
24-11-20 - A Tale of Two Studies
24-11-22 - CAN-PCC Survey
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