Friday, October 27, 2023

N95s Should Be the Default

Lots of chatter about this New South Wales comms hit and miss:

From Dr. David Berger,

"As the ninth Covid wave grows, NSW Health doesn't say 'wear masks'. It says, 'please don't be beastly to the people who wear masks,' like they're anxiously wringing their hands and begging the bully not to beat up the spotty kid. This is what passes for public health in 2023."

This is exactly the complaint I had about the WRDSB messaging back in September 2022:

"Please remain kind, considerate and respectful to those who choose to continue wearing a mask."

As I said then, the phrasing implicitly puts NOT masking as the default. It paints those who are making this random choice to wear a facial covering as odd ducks we should try not to beat up if we can help it.

From HSW Health:

"With Covid-19 cases increasing in the community, som people, including people at higher risk of severe illness, may choose to war a mask to protect themselves, such as when in indoor settings or on public transport. Be kind and considerate of someone's choice to wear a mask."
I spent three minutes to try to make it less douchey by adding one line:

But Amanda Hu went the distance:

By the way, wastewater levels in Southwestern Ontario haven't been this high since last Christmas - our winter surge started in mid-September - so maybe wear a mask whenever you enter a public building or public transportation! I just put one on whenever I leave the house and forget about it. Mask and relax; stay alive with an N95!

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