Educational Posts

I've been teaching since 1991, and I've been writing about my experiences and thoughts since 2011, when I spent a couple years teaching an alternative program. I was excited to try the program, and so open to new ideas, but, in my experience, progressive school ideas don't work for most students. Then I retired in 2022, and ran as a trustee. I won, but lasted about six months before the system and the haters got to me. And then went back to university as a student and discovered what really needs to change in education.

11-07-12 - The Rise of the Machines - technology, education, books, computers
11-07-12 - Another Inconvenient Truth - wireless concerns
11-07-14 - Religion and the Middle School - segregation, prayer in school, religion trumps gender
11-07-16 - Wired in for Safety - wireless concerns
11-08-25 - On Ritual Work - ritual, teaching, video, Grimes
11-11-20 - The Test of Time - books, cultural literacy vs infotainment

12-02-11 - On Educational Reform - Rousseau, Montessori, Robinson, teaching
12-04-28 - Book Clubs: Developing Community or Provoking Conformity - teaching
12-05-06 - Prensky's Natives and Immigrants - books, teaching
12-11-25 - On the Importance of Workers' Rights - union, politics, teaching, democracy
12-12-10 - You Say You Want a Revolution - activism, politics, community, teaching, union

13-01-04 - Thanks for the Contract, Laurel! - Broten, Coran, politics, teaching
13-02-18 - On Education, Stress, and Success - Plato, educational system
13-03-03 - Regulation 274, Education Act of Ontario - politics, teaching
13-03-05 - Following your Dreams, or Living an Illusion - Ken Robinson
13-03-11 - On Teacher Accountability - Cooper, rubric, judgment, teaching
13-03-24 - Seniority Does Not Always Equal Merit - educational system, judgment, teaching
13-04-01 - On Boredom - Seneca, Aurelius, Sartre, teaching
13-05-14 - Animal Testing: What's wrong with education this time? - Aristotle, educational system
13-07-11 - Educating the Differently-Abled - educational system
13-08-06 - On Categorization of Behaviours and Abilities - Grandin, DSM, ASD, CBT, parenting

14-01-11 - On the New Math - Renzetti, educational system
14-03-16 - Backing for My Views on Education - educational system
14-03-16 - What Do Teacher's Want? - Paikin, Wynne, politics, teaching, climate change
14-03-30 - EQAO, Literacy, and Ability - educational system, politics
14-09-01 - The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains - Carr, technology, education
14-09-13 - AER Strategies - Wente, Dorval, Connor, how to, teaching, Waterloo
14-12-14 - On Sex Ed, Double Standards, and the Red Herring of Consent - deBeauvoir,
                  Schophenhauer, philosophy, feminism, gender, sex ed, teaching

15-03-20 - Changing the Curriculum - gender, environment, sex, educational system
15-03-22 - On Teaching Topics Instead of Subjects - Finland, educational systems, Ashman, Hayes
15-03-22 - Criminalizing Protest - Renzetti, activism, Canada, environment, politics
15-04-04 - On Final Exams - educational system, mental health, teaching
15-04-06 - On Helping People Get Outraged - Oliver, environment, Klein, teaching
15-05-10 - On Misinformation - activism, persuasion, teaching
15-05-10 - Sex Ed Redux - feminism, love, sex, teaching
15-05-28 - On Thinking - environment, Hedges, teaching
15-05-30 - Squelching Thought - Hedges, Chomsky, Robinson, parenting, teaching
15-06-07 - On Measuring Well - Plato, Protagoras, environment, teaching, virtue
15-07-20 - Hedges on Education - Hedges, educational system
15-07-21 - Finnish Schools: What Do They Have that We Don't Have? - educational system, books
15-08-02 - On Teaching Philosophy to Children - philosophy, teaching, educational system
15-09-20 - Just in Time Learning - educational system, teaching, business tactics
15-10-25 - On Reading and Writing - teaching, educational system, philosophy
15-11-21 - On Making Change - environment, teaching
15-12-31 - On Those Counterfeit Diplomas - education system, how to

16-02-07 - On Expectations and Time Limits - education system,
16-02-07 - On Student Stress - mental health, parenting teaching
16-02-09 - On Unions and Boycotts - Harris, education system, Sandals, unions, media
16-02-10 - Cold Calls in the Classroom - teaching, Lemov, Kohn
16-02-13 - On Command F: a Bittersweet Function - technology, teaching, Socrates
16-02-27 - On That Time I Fell and Hurt My Head - concussion, cycling, teaching, books
16-09-18- Fixing French Immersion - education, The Agenda, Chomsky, solidarity
16-09-18- The Irony of Advocating for A/C in Schools - climate change, education
16-11-15- Back to Work Boobless - cancer
16-11-26 - More on Critical Thinking - Kilian, Sartre, Heer, education, critical thinking

17-01-29 - On Silence in the Face of Alt-Facts - naturopathy, media, critical thinking
17-04-23 - Another Perspective on the Rise in Anxiety - education system, mental health
17-05-18 - On Petty, Self-Serving Teachers Taking Sick Days - education system, union

17-07-14 - On Hedges' Veganism Claims - check your sources
17-08-10 - The Plight of the Millennials - teaching, demographics, mental health
17-08-10 - On Having the Lowest Graduation Rates - education
17-08-31 - On Memes and Theft -plagiarism
17-10-03 - On Betsy DeVos in Ontario - education

18-01-13 - On School Holidays - year round schooling
18-04-11 - On Extra Time and IEP Designations - OSSLT,
18-04-15 - On Progressive Education - education, Dewey, Skinner
18-09-23 - On Anita Hill - sexual harassment, clubs
18-10-08 - Can We Turn This Corner? - teacher penalized for political quiz
18-12-15 - Ontario's Education: Call for Ideas - Rousseau, Skinner, system changes

19-01-01 - The Place of Teachers in this Mess - false balance, bias, climate change
19-01-02 - On Arguing Facts - Sam Dresser, insulating arguments
19-01-04 - On Coddling Our Kids - Jonathan Haidt, The Agenda
19-01-12 - On Evaluating Teachers and Edu-Speak - fixing the process
19-03-02 - OFSTED Report
19-04-19 - Like Rats Jumping from a Sinking Ship - mandatory online classes
19-08-26 - On Maintaining Firm Categories: Do Labels Matter? - diagnosing ASD, ADHD...

21-12-27 - On "Fixing" ASD

22-06-14 - On Expertise
22-08-28 - On Divisiveness
22-12-07 - Problems with IHRA

23-05-09 - Resignation
23-06-18 - Autistic Pride
23-07-17 - ASD Assessments
23-08-08 - On Barbie

24-04-05 - No Ragrets 

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