Environmental Posts

My first blog, Project Earth, was all about running environment clubs in schools. Here's everything from how to start a club to how to cope with impending climate change.

09-05-10 - Introductions - first post of Project Earth
09-05-10 - The Secret History of the War on Cancer
09-05-10 - For the Love of Water
09-05-10 - The Green Bin Debate
09-05-12 - Making a Free Store
09-05-12 - We Don't Need No Stinkin' Pesticides
09-05-13 - Creative Planters and Invisible Cars
09-05-15 - Breaking News: Climate Change is Unhealthy!
09-05-16 - Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose?
09-05-16 - Light-Rail Transit 
09-05-18 - Turning Off the T.V.
09-05-20 - Leave Your Car at Home Week
09-05-21 - Heat - the Short Version
09-05-21 - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death - survey project
09-05-22 - No Brainers
09-05-23 - Environmentalists are a Bunch of Hypocrites
09-05-23 - Go Further
09-05-24 - Toxic Butts
09-05-25 - Greenbelt Art
09-05-25 - Warning: Driving is Hazardous to Your Health
09-05-25 - Wasted Paper
09-05-26 - Landscaping IS Art
09-05-27 - On Obesity, Omegas, and Organic Foods
09-05-29 - Story of Stuff
09-05-31 - And She'll Tell Two Friends, and So On, and So On - Mead
09-05-31 - Toxic Butts: Part 2
09-06-04 - The Myth of Necessary Growth
09-06-06 - EcoFest
09-06-07 - How To Compost in a School
09-06-08 - Urban Beautification
09-06-11 - Water Water Everywhere 
09-06-26 - Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think - Lovelock, Rubin, Barlow, Jacobs
09-07-06 - Camp Soap
09-07-06 - Green Bin Garbage
09-07-11 - On Bags and Garbage
09-07-17 - Some Burning Questions on Campfires
09-07-18 - E-Car Rebates
09-07-24 - The Big Necessity - George, sanitation
09-07-31 - EcoSchool How To
09-08-04 - Lessons in Environmental Policy -
09-08-04 - Environmental Citizenship
09-08-04 - Sharkwater
09-08-04 - The End of Suburbia - e-cars
09-08-28 - Green Right to the Very End - funerals
09-09-05 - On Necessities and Luxuries - Thoreau
09-09-05 - Eco-Surveys
09-09-14 - The Population Problem
09-09-16 - Compost Update 
09-09-25 - Bike Rally How-To
09-10-02 - Make Poverty History
09-10-12 - Shop Mindfully
09-10-23 - The Backlash - climate change
09-11-01 - Drink responsibly. Use a travel mug.
09-11-01 - Food Inc. - film
09-11-06 - Countdown to Copenhagen
09-11-19 - Earth-Friendly Christmas Presents -
09-11-20 - We Could Be Heroes - The Cove
09-11-21 - There IS no "Away" - My Beef with Green Bins 
09-11-21 - Foil Nestle in Aberfoyle - water
09-11-24 - Call Steve! - climate change
09-11-26 - Munk Debate on Climate Change
09-11-26 - OneEarth Video-Letter to Stephen Harper - video
09-12-01 - How Lucky Do You Feel...Punk? - Munk Debate, climate change, Monbiot, May
09-12-03 - More Green Bin Concerns
09-12-08 - Day Two -
09-12-08 - Copenhagen Update - cap and trade
09-12-12 - Climate Change Truthiness - Colbert
09-12-12 - The Partridge Family Energy Plan - persuasion
09-12-12 - Dollar Store Costs - neo-liberalism
09-12-14 - CO2 as a Pollutant - climate change
09-12-16 - Only 48 Hours Left - Copenhagen
09-12-16 - No Impact Man Comments - film
09-12-21 - Eco Housework: Any Takers? -
09-12-30 - Avatar: Where Men Win Glory - film, Chomsky

10-01-13 - Eco-Driveways and the Big Stopper - James
10-01-13 - Some Christmas Leftovers - school club
10-01-23 - KCI Talks with David Suzuki - school club
10-01-23 - Department Competition: The Great Green Challenge - school club
10-02-01 - This is the Most Exciting Time to be Alive - Transition Movement
10-02-01 - Grow Your Own -
10-02-02 - Fostering Community - Pope Benedict, consumerism
10-02-04 - Bonhomme Hates Climate Change -
10-02-04 - The Scoop on Compostable Bags - garbage
10-02-06 - Little Houses -
10-02-06 - Middle Class Guilt - Thoreau, Epicurus
10-02-08 - Combatting Eco-Fatigue - Eco Warriors video
10-02-09 - Of Disposable Cups and Popcorn Bags, Of Cabbages and Kings - garbage
10-02-10 - The Big Picture: Connecting - school club
10-02-11 - Doing What We Do in an Honourable Way - Butterfly Hill
10-02-12 - Free Economies - economics
10-02-13 - Teflon in the Food Chain and the Precautionary Principle - toxins
10-02-13 - Nestle, Aggregates, and Groundwater - school club
10-02-17 - What if There IS No Climate Change Problem? -
10-02-17 - No Impact Man - The Book - book, climate change, energy
10-02-18 - Transition Meetings - Transition Movement
10-02-18 - Earth Day 2010 - school club
10-02-21 - EcoSchool Video - school club
10-02-21 - Earthfest How To - school club
10-02-22 - Transition Talks - Transition Movement
10-02-25 - What Not to Do - climate change
10-03-01 - Teflon: You're Soaking in It. - toxins
10-03-02 - Phthalates: It's not Just a Fragrance. It's a Birth Control! - toxins
10-03-03 - Flame Retardants - The Danger of Dust Bunnies - toxins
10-03-04 - Mercury: Poison Poisson - toxins
10-03-05 - Triclosan: An Ounce of Prevention? -toxins
10-03-06 - Pesticides: Yet Another Reason to Avoid Golfing - toxins
10-03-06 - Bisphenol A: Score One for the Babies - toxins
10-03-07 - Everything Does NOT Cause Cancer - toxins
10-03-07 - Bottled Water Free Day - water
10-03-09 - The Gentle Art of Persuasion - Monbiot, climate change
10-03-11 - Give a Hoot, Dammit! - pollution
10-03-12 - Forty Days and Forty Nights - school club
10-03-13 - Plastic Can Cause Obesity - plastic, toxins
10-03-15 - Ditch the Dryer - energy, toxins
10-03-16 - Find a Mentor - plastic, videos
10-03-17 - Make Art from Garbage - school club, t-shirts
10-03-18 - Remind Yourself: It's Later Than You Think - consumerism, tattoo
10-03-23 - Eco-Habits - eco-thoughts
10-03-25 - Garbage Reminders - landfills
10-03-28 - Earth Hour Do-Over and Over and Over - plastic, toxins, energy
10-03-29 - Chocolate and Cell Phones - You Don't Want to Know - slavery
10-04-02 - If It's Yellow - water
10-04-05 - Balance? - climate change, cars
10-04-05 - Clean Cars or Clean Lakes? The Choice is Yours - cars
10-04-06 - Solar Power Possibilities - energy
10-04-23 - Earthfest 2010 Wrap-Up - school club
10-04-25 - Envirothon Team of 2010 - school club
10-04-25 - Earthfest Info Displays - school club
10-04-26 - KCI Waste Audit - school club
10-05-02 - Earthfest 2010 - The Performers - school club
10-05-02 - Green Bin Awareness - plastics, toxins, Waterloo
10-05-10 - Students Gone Wild - activism, community, Waterloo
10-05-22 - Access Denied - eco-thoughts
10-06-03 - Can We Get Patrick Duffy on the Phone? - petroleum, toxins
10-06-09 - Why Environmentalism Needs to be Legislated - philosophy
10-07-08 - Negligent Blogger - Earthfest video on CTV
10-09-12 - Wireless Controversy Rebuttal - technology
10-09-18 - Cool Video from Grist - cycling, cars
10-09-19 - Grade School Free Store Idea - school clubs
10-09-19 - Another Look at LRT - Waterloo
10-09-20 - Upcoming Events - school clubs
10-09-21 - Brainstorming - school clubs, Suzuki
10-09-27 - Our Extinction Explored in Scientific American - extinction
10-11-21 - Bill C-311 Defeated in the Senate - Suzuki, climate change, politics
10-11-28 - Christmas Shopping Ideas - environment
10-12-01 - Water on the Table - Marshall, film, activism

11-01-02 - EcoSchools - This Time It's Personal - Edison, technology, education
11-01-10 - An Eco Rap - video
11-01-17 - God vs Trees: A Confession - activism, paper
11-01-23 - Silent Spring Backlash - Carson, Schwartz, DDT
11-07-03 - The Energy Glut - books, cars, cycling
11-07-11 - Questionable Economic Models Driving Policy - Rand, DICE, climate change, politics
11-07-12 - Reduce Weight Gain with This One Life-Changing Tip - HFCS
11-07-12 - Another Inconvenient Truth - wireless concerns

12-06-03 - 91 Seconds of Recycling - how to
12-07-17 - On A/C and Cars: Luxuries or Necessities? - Roberts, cycling, death, Seneca, environment
12-07-24 - On Nuclear Power - Plato, environment, politics, Waterloo, Rubin
12-07-25 - On Putting the Brakes on Car Culture - cycling, environment, politics, Waterloo
12-08-06 - On Young Feminists - environment, gender, feminism
12-09-22 - GMOs: Knowledge Roulette - environment, media
12-11-18 - On Environmental Intentions - environment, responsibility, teaching

13-01-12 - Climate Change as an Asteroid - Krugman, Haidt, Harrelson, Freud, money, environment
13-04-21 - Enviro-Optimists vs Doom-Mongers: Another Wentian False Dichotomy - environment
13-05-12 - Humans: Too Invasive or Two Compassionate to Survive - Epictetus, Epicurus, Matrix
13-06-30 - An Unprecedented Emergency - Emmott, population, existentialism, environment
13-07-09 - On Monbiot's Manifesto - Thoreau, environment
13-07-10 - Blogger Rights and Responsibilities - blogging, responsibility, environment
13-07-13 - Faith that the End is Near - Bland, Epicurus, happiness, environment, community
13-07-15 - Can Animals Provoke Action? - child labour, Monbiot, persuasion, slavery
13-07-16 - On Smoking and the Illusion of Concern - smoking, Freud, Monbiot, politics
13-07-28 - Too Stupid to Live - Literally - death, climate change, oil spills, politics, revolution
13-07-29 - On Liberty and Death - Plato, environment, aesthetics, politics
13-08-16 - On Solar Panels - environment, money
13-08-18 - The Benevolent Dictator isn't a Fascist - Lovelock, Oliver, Monbiot, environment
13-09-08 - On the On-Going, Never-Ending Regional Bike/Car Conflict - Waterloo, cycling
13-10-12 - If You Build It, They Will Come - Really! - cycling, Groningen, Waterloo
13-11-26 - On Stoic Environmentalism - Epictetus, environment
13-11-30 - On John Stuart Mill, Free Speech, and Climate Change - Chomsky, Epictetus, Epicurus
13-12-11 - On Driving Into a Wall - Lagarde, Suzuki, environment, politics, climate change

14-02-02 - On Mesothelioma: Dying to be Heard - asbestos, toxins, Canada, politics, environment
14-03-30 - On The Sixth Extinction - Kolbert, books, environment, climate change
14-04-13 - It's Possible - IPCC, climate change, Tutu
14-06-29 - Just Not Ready to Laugh at Climate Change - environment, teaching, humour
14-07-21 - Shaving Minutes Off Your Cycling Time - cycling, community, environment
14-08-24 - Diamond's Collapse - books, politics, prejudice, revolution, environment
14-08-24 - Neil deGrasse Tyson on Climate Change - science, climate change, environment
14-08-25 - On the Titanic and Tolstoy - climate change, death, environment, existentialism, virtue
14-08-27 - People's Climate March - Chomsky, film, Klein, activism, environment
14-08-27 - The Elf on the #ReThink Tour - Hillside, bike activism
14-08-30 - On Ethos - a 2011 Documentary - Zinn, Harrelson, Chomsky, Freud, film, media, politics
14-09-14 - People's Climate March Update - Klein, activism, politics, Waterloo
14-09-16 - Disruption Critiqued - Klein, environment, film, activism, politics, teaching
14-09-20 - On Naomi Klein's Climate Change Battle - books, Klein, activism, environment

15-01-17 - The Post in Which I Get Cranky on Climate Change - Hedges, environment, politics
15-01-22 - This Changes Nothing - climate change, Inhofe, environment, politics
15-03-20 - Changing the Curriculum - gender, environment, sex, educational system
15-04-06 - On Helping People Get Outraged - Oliver, environment, Klein, teaching
15-05-24 - Mad Max: Reality Road, and Even Darker Ride - film, climate change, environment
15-05-25 - Cassandra's Curse - climate change, science, Parmesan, Baldwin
15-05-28 - On Thinking - environment, Hedges, teaching
15-05-31 - Revolution, the Film - activism, film, environment, climate change
15-06-07 - On Measuring Well - Plato, Protagoras, environment, teaching, virtue
15-07-09 - So I Went to the March - climate change, activism, Canada, feminism, Indigenous, Hedges
15-08-03 - One Neat Trick to Lose Weight Fast - how to, climate change, Hedges, factory farm
15-08-03 - Economics of Happiness - environment, film, economics
15-09-13 - Has the Green Revolution Actually Arrived? - climate change, Freud, politics
15-11-21 - On Making Change - environment, teaching
15-12-30 - On Desires and Commodities - death, suicide, Epictetus, mental health, cycling

16-03-13 - For the Love of the Songbirds - film, climate change, Wilson, environment
16-04-06 - Case Off Discouragement! - Laxer, Enoughness, climate change, Indigenous
16-04-09 - On Pipelines - Line 9 and More - climate change, Laxer, Indigenous
16-04-24 - Fractured Land - Behn, film, fracking, climate change, Indigenous
16-07-13 - Climate Change Grief - It's a Bummer - climate change, Nye, Schwartzenegger
16-07-16 - Saving Cyclists' Lives - local, cycling, urban planning
16-07-21 - Plus ça Change, Plus C'est La MĂŞme Chose - climate change, May, Monbiot
16-08-09 - On Indicators: Attention Must be Paid - climate change
16-09-18- The Irony of Advocating for A/C in Schools - climate change, education
16-10-24 - Water Wars and the Last Straw - Barlow, local
16-11-02 - Before the Flood - DiCaprio, film, climate change
16-11-03 - Don't be a Koch Sucker! - climate change, Neo-Liberalism, Mann
16-11-27 - Monbiot's Impossible Crises - Monbiot, climate change, population, food
16-11-27 - What Exponential Growth Looks Like - population
16-12-05 - There's Still Climate Denial? - climate change, IPCC
16-12-10 - The Next 1,000 Years - Hawking, climate change
16-12-18 - What Happens in the Arctic, Doesn't Stay in the Arctic - climate change, Taylor
16-12-20 - A Shift in Values - Monbiot, Bernays, Curtis, values

17-03-17 - If We Could Be as Smart as Frogs - climate change, Read
17-04-12 - A Bigger Problem with Air Travel - climate change
17-04-14 - Just Another Oil War - Kennedy, climate change
17-04-17 - Living in Glass Houses - climate change, McKibben, Trudeau
17-07-12 - Sooner Than You Think - climate change
17-07-14 - On Hedges' Veganism Claims - check your sources
17-07-17 - Climate Comedies
17-07-27 - Paradigm Shift in Climate Change Policy 
17-10-24 - On Aronofsky and Climate Change - film

18-01-07 - Oxygen Depletion in the Ocean - climate change
18-01-13 - Monbiot's Out of the Wreckage - book synopsis, climate change
18-06-02 - Progress or Ruin - Monbiot
18-06-04 - On Half Earth - Paris Agreement, E.O.Wilson
18-12-12 - Stuck Between Fear and Hope - Graham Saul, The Agenda
18-11-20 - On Extinction Rebellion - Kate Marvel
18-12-30 - Courage Over Hope 

19-01-13 - Why Protest?
19-01-19 - 10 Year Challenge - climate change in pictures
19-01-26 - Kids These Days! - Greta Thunberg
19-03-14 - Arctic Destruction

22-06-04 - Some Words on Hope

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