Oh, boys and girls, women and men, and everything in between. It's so tricky working together, isn't it? Please excuse the heteronormitivity (and middle-classness) of the following - especially on this most colourful of weekends - but I want to talk about issues of male/female power dynamics here in a long round-about way.
Several things I've read and arguments I've mediated lately have to do with gender. Which one wins? How do we prop up the losers? Why do we even care about helping the losers? That sort of thing.
Most popular is the article by Anne-Marie Slaughter in The Atlantic: "Why Women Still Can't Have It All." It suggests men are winning in boardrooms and politics because dads don't do enough at home. When push comes to shove, women have to step back from their careers to care for their little ones - and not-so-little ones as the author took a breather to get her teenager back on track. This is not a new idea. But it's one that just isn't substantially budging! To fix the problem, men have to step up, but also our entire culture has to change to be geared towards helping women work by, basically, taking a greater hand in helping us raise our kids.
Several things I've read and arguments I've mediated lately have to do with gender. Which one wins? How do we prop up the losers? Why do we even care about helping the losers? That sort of thing.
Most popular is the article by Anne-Marie Slaughter in The Atlantic: "Why Women Still Can't Have It All." It suggests men are winning in boardrooms and politics because dads don't do enough at home. When push comes to shove, women have to step back from their careers to care for their little ones - and not-so-little ones as the author took a breather to get her teenager back on track. This is not a new idea. But it's one that just isn't substantially budging! To fix the problem, men have to step up, but also our entire culture has to change to be geared towards helping women work by, basically, taking a greater hand in helping us raise our kids.