Friday, February 28, 2025

Neither Lazy nor Stupid, but Unfortunately Conned

Well, this sucks. At times like this, like when Mike Harris got in a second time, I think of Rousseau's bit, "When the opinion that is contrary to my own prevails, this proves neither more nor less than that I was mistaken, and that what I thought to be the general will was not so," and how much I disagree with that sentiment. I don't believe this is really what Ontario wants.

Data from Elections Ontario

Conservatives and Liberals were up a bit, and a few more people voted than last time despite the weather warnings in some areas, yet even with the consistency with the last election, I still can't believe people want the type of government that dismantles healthcare and iconic structures and natural habitat so openly and vividly: 

1. Media: The Cons are in deep with Musk and all the other rich kids who own social media sites and/or newspapers. The have a much wider reach to get out their version of events in the faces of the public. I think many people have a distorted version of what's going on: Doug's here to save us... somehow. So maybe we forgive those voters for they know not what they do. It sounds condescending to suggest people who voted for Ford just don't understand the system, but the only alternative is that they want to have to pay to see a doctor and don't care that some people can't. Did they really want billions taken from healthcare in order to get a $200 cheque, or did they not quite understand the bigger picture?? 

2. Snap Election: The weather and voter cards not being received and only three days of advanced polls and some places with minimal signage all might have had an effect on turnout. I've been shovelling the walks on either side of me plus one until a couple weeks ago when my lower back implored me to stop, and now those areas are impassable to anyone with mobility issues. 

3. First Past the Post: What's the point in voting if it feels like the system doesn't work? The NDP got 60% of the number of votes as the Liberals, but got almost twice as many seats. How is that a thing?? (I know how it's a thing, but it's still stupid.) The Libs got 70% as many votes as Cons, but only 17% as many seats!! Nobody has the balls to spearhead electoral reform even if they get voted in with that on their platform! We know the Libs and NDP will never get together on this as a whole, for better or worse, but a few candidates here and there gave up their seat and encouraged voting for the best to beat Ford, which was nice to see. I would have been fine to end up with a minority government. They get less done, but can cause far less harm.

4. Sexism: Really. I think Marit Stiles could have taken more votes if she were a dude. Some perfectly nice people out there still don't want to be led by a woman. I know it happens here and there that a woman wins an election, but it might have cost us. Too many people would rather have an idiot in charge than a woman. I love Stiles (except for that whole Sarah Jama incident - yikes!), and I think she'd make a fantastic premier, but I don't think we're all the way over that hump of seeing woman as able to command, especially in difficult times. And, no matter who's in charge, we are headed for difficult times. 

On the other hand, however, a shift in cultural values makes the Conservative win somewhat understandable as an actual win for the people. It's been a gradual transition from "ask what you ca do for your country" to a focus on what you deserve. Don't worry about anyone else; what are YOU getting out of this? We've lost the belief in acting for the greater good.   

When I taught high school, when the idea of taxation came up, there was always a general sense in the room that taxes are bad, the government's stealing from us, etc. A colleague used to teach the kids the mantra, "love the gov" to try to override that dominant perspective. Explaining the benefit of taking a percentage from each person, based on income, and nothing if you make under a base amount, and putting it towards the collective goods is harder than you'd think when the sentiment behind is isn't in the culture. Taking from me is bad, so how can taxes be good? A LOT of people think this way. Without a common belief in caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable, made dominant through effective speeches and films and music and media, then those selling self-serving political ideal will always win. 

I tried to get the word out, but I don't have the reach. I only have a few thousand followers on Bluesky, likely mainly American, and about 100 people read the average post here, and I recognize I'm preaching to the converted. Maybe next time we'll get our shit together enough (and have enough time) to take a bus to door knock in the areas that we might be able to flip, like Burlington, but it's anyone's guess what will be left of our province by then.

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