This got a little out of control, so I added in pictures! But there is suddenly tons in the news about climate change, and many excellent videos to watch.
Jeremy Deaton wrote in the Huffington Post last week:
Jeremy Deaton wrote in the Huffington Post last week:
Ultimately, the idea that regular people can’t be told the full implications of climate change is condescending. Scientists, writers and advocates might consider that they go to work every day understanding the enormity of climate change, and yet they are able to do their jobs. The men and women who work on climate change are not made of tougher stuff, and they need not obscure the awful truth about the carbon crisis. People can take it. In fact, they’ll have to. Perhaps what makes it possible for advocates to continue their work is not a surplus of hope or an absence of fear, but a sense of duty. They respond to their grief with a righteous anger, to their panic with bravery, to their desolation with solidarity.