Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Democracy Requires Participation

Just 18% of registered voters was enough to give Ford a majority back in June 2022 because so many people stayed home. The polls predict another Con win, but screw the polls! Get out and show them they're wrong!! 

Last time, there was slim pickings all around. This time we have much better choices. Social media and mainstream media has been almost completely taken over by the billionaire class, feeding bullshit to the masses, and Ford is all in with Musk. If Ford wins this time, I think it will be because of people believing their lies because it's all they see. So tell your friends and neighbours about his actual shenanigans. He's not the man of the people; he's in it for himself. 

Some recent highlights:


Check out Ford's "strategic alliance" with the US titled Building Fortress Am-Can: He plans to "Pursue enhanced collaboration between Canadian cyber security infrastructure and US counterparts," which includes designating areas of Canada with critical minerals as regions of strategic importance to the national security of Canada and the US. 

If we don't want to make Canada in line with the current US policies, we have to get Ford out of power. 


Johal: "While Ontario's health care system faces its 'worst crisis ever,' Ontario's biggest nurses union says the province is struggling with staffing shortages in hospitals under Doug Ford's government ... leading to worsening outcomes for care and for the morale of healthcare workers. ... With Ontario's healthcare system overloaded and burnt out nurses leaving the profession after being overworked and underpaid ... the Ford government's underspending on health is a key contributor to the dire situation. 'They've underspent by $1.7 billion in their health care budge alone.'"


Chown Oved: "Ontario has never burned so much natural gas to make electricity, firing up the polluting plants more often than at any time since the first ones were built in the 1990s. ... a significant increase in local air pollution as well as far more planet-warming carbon emissions -- quadruple the amount produced when Doug Ford was first elected premier. ... In 2023, Ford's Conservative government reversed its opposition to renewables ... however, then-energy minister Stephen Lecce quietly altered the bidding criteria, opening the door for new gas plants to be built."

And then there's the Greenbelt Scandal, which he promised not to touch. Frank Domenic explains the ins and outs of the whole 413 issue:

Which leads us to...


Rider: "Doug Ford's tunnel vision has no off-ramp. ... his government will tunnel road lanes, and possibly a transit line, under at least 50 kilometres of Highway 401 ... Bonnie Crombie launched a blistering attack on what she called a 'fantasy project' that will take 40 years to build, do nothing to alleviate congestion and, she said 'bankrupt the province.' Some observers think the estimated tunnel cost could be as much as $120 billion which would gobble so much of the province's capital budge that it would be a non-starter."


Subramaniam: "When Doug Ford became premier in 2018, he moved quickly to halt policies like an increase in minimum wage ... freezing public-sector wage increases and scrapping plans for paid sick days have drawn rebuke from labour advocates. ... 'If you really dig deep, Mr. Ford's track record towards workers is not great ... the net result is workers in Ontario are worse off.'" 

Speaking of money, anyone who understands the need for taxes to cover collective infrastructure as well as to ensure we have at least some basics covered for everyone, should be outraged that $3 billion was spent to bribe the public. That money went to people in need as well as people with billions in the bank instead of helping to fund school lunches or otherwise help the people who need it most. It's almost double what they took from health care.


Shield, Probst, & Rehm: "The effects of alcohol price changes on consumption and resulting harms have been firmly established; change in the minimum price of alcohol have the greatest effect on consumption among people who for reasons of affordability consume low-priced alcoholic beverages, typically adolescents, people with lower socio-economic status, and people with harmful alcohol use. Decreases in inflation-adjusted minimum pricing in British Columbia from 2002 to 2006 have been associated with increases in deaths wholly attributable to alcohol."

And this is all just from THIS MONTH!!! 


A Stompin' Tom remake: 

And a further plea to fire Ford:

And a few images for sharing about Ford and a few of his contemporaries and supporters:


Lorne said...

A very timely post, Marie. Thanks. We can only live in hope that the electorate will rouse itself from its torpor and head to the polls.

Marie Snyder said...

Absolutely. This is vital right now!