Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Suffering from Premature Emaskulation?

You don't have to be an athlete or movie star to care about your health. You, too, can wear an N95 to keep viruses out of your body. This latest mutation is extremely contagious, leading to very high case numbers right this minute. If we want to stop Covid from mutating further, we need to stop transmission, which we can do if we wear masks -- especially in health care settings and schools, where transmission tends to be higher. 

The article at that link says, 

"It's very, very contagious, that's why we see a lot of cases at the moment. . . . If you don't want to get sick on vacation, you might have to take some preventative measures, like wearing a mask on a plane."

Good advice! But the article also treats Covid like a cold by suggesting it's not too much of a concern to get it because, although "emergency rooms have been over capacity for the past month . . . it is not more severe than other variants, so the level of hospitalization is not so high." I'm not sure what "not so high" means, but those words have the effect of telling the public to relax as if it's not a big deal to get SARS-CoV-2. The rest of the article is about getting vaccinated in the fall, which is not effective enough on its own and does jack shit to protect you right this minute!! They acknowledge that briefly at the very end:

"As long as vaccines only target the spikes of the virus, there will be new waves of infections."

But that part is more of a call to work on better vaccines, and less a warning to the general public.

Reminder: It's not a cold. It's a brain-invasive disease that hides throughout the body, affects many organs, and disables people for years, and is still killing people - even healthy, young people, even from a very mild or asymptomatic initial case. 

From Guiness Pig:

Stranger: Why are you wearing a mask
Me: Covid
Stranger: It's over
Me: It's not over. It's disabling and killing thousands weekly
Stranger: If that's true why'e they tell us to unmask
Me: Premature emaskulation
Stranger: What
Me: It's common, you're not alone, don't suffer in silence

Mask up whenever in public because you just never know.  

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