A Tiktoker, amylynn79, explained why she's not masking despite being very sick with Covid. She has few followers on that site (maybe because it's 9 minutes of rambling), but clips of it are travelling around Twitter.
Here are the highlights: She's on day 4 of testing positive. This is her fourth time having it. Her symptoms: headache, dizziness, feeling cold, and feel like you're dying, like someone's ripping your spine out, diarrhea, brain fog, and massive sweating. She went to the doctors and got meds, which is nice for her. There's nothing much we can get here beyond Tylenol. Where did she pick up Covid? School, of course.
"Every time my kids go back to school, they ALWAYS catch something."
Her doctor said not to be around old people, but said nothing about wearing a mask. She does wear one sometimes, but, here's the part getting traction, she didn't wear a mask today out running errands because it's too hard to breath when she's all stuffed up, but she wasn't in anyone face breathing on them. "I'm not wearing a mask when I'm sick!"
People are slamming her all over, calling her a "cold hearted callous murderous baitch," "selfish piece of worthless excrement," "the face of evil," and worse. She knows about masks, yet won't wear one while infectious because it's already too hard to breath. Some slam her for being out at all, but - hold the phone - she listened to her doctor who isn't about masks, and her entire family is sick. She's taking care of them. I believe this is much more a case of ignorance than malice.
The REAL VILLAIN - the people deserving of all the worst we can bring them - lies with public health at all levels. People are still stuck on the 6' rule because of the public health bullshit misinformation created to avoid a public panic. I know intelligent, caring people who go places unmasked and just keep their distance then are baffled when they get sick. I've relentlessly tried to convince them that Covid travels like cigarette smoke, crossing a room in minutes and hanging in the air for hours, and the worse the ventilation, the more it accumulates in the room. BUT why would they believe me over the WHO and CDC who yammered on about the magic of 6' for years, and the many people with credentials who have insisted that we need to get it in order to stop getting it, AND their own flippin' doctors who won't wear a mask?? AND masks are even flippin' illegal in some places now!! Even I sometimes feel like a weirdo for wearing a mask at the store, and have to remind myself of the science, so we can't hold too much blame for random people who don't immerse themselves in Nature studies.
Some want her severely punished for this. But before we can punish anybody for not masking when sick, first we have to tell people it's bad. The people in charge have been telling them it's no big deal for years, so we can't blame them when they act on that information.
This was the thought process around drunk driving for decades: it's not a big deal. Then MADD came around and now we have tons of information plus RIDE programs plus heavy penalties. And people STILL drive drunk. A decorated US Army major who worked at a rehab center killed the NHL star Johnny Gaudreau and his brother recently after having "five or six beers." But the number of accidents from inebriation are significantly lower now, and we ALL understand that it's a really bad thing to do.
I think the vast majority of people believe it's hard to spread Covid beyond six feet and that it's pretty mild anyway. They're wrong, but can we really blame them for thinking that?? That's why I keep writing in hopes of giving that one argument that hits home for that one person who starts wearing a mask in public.
To stop the spread of AIDS, it's illegal to knowingly be HIV+ and have unprotected sex. Condoms and self-disclosure are mandatory or you could potentially face life imprisonment. But there are no rules to stop us from spreading Covid. It's allowed. Since masks were first lifted in 2022, we aren't permitted to require a sick student to wear a mask or go home or so anything that might infringe on their right to be in the room infecting people.
We could randomly test people, like in RIDE programs, and have some means of punishment if they're walking around Covid+ and unmasked to put the onus on individuals to either test themselves before leaving home or wear a mask. OR we could mandate masks for all in public places, especially hospitals, schools, and grocery stores, to keep specific places safer and more accessible to all people. OR we could seriously mandate N95s or better worldwide for a couple months and eradicate many viruses. My vote's on that middle option.
AND the social media sites and most MSM sites deserve all the vitriol we have and more.
I just had to add my birthdate to my profile on Twitter in order to see some ADULT CONTENT everyone was commenting on. It's this, from Olga Hegarty:
"Covid patients exhale 1,000 copies of virus every minute for 8 days. Covid isn't caught from hands; it's caught from breathing infected air. We have all the tools to clean the air; it's a political choice not to use them."
This bit of accurate, cited information was blocked from view for most people as if it's pornographic to provide information on Covid.
Let's make sure we don't get sucked into the old trick of getting people to fight each other while the rich sit back to enjoy the show. They want us to forget who caused all these problems. Even the powerful on the left have taken up the rhetoric of the right out of fear of not getting the votes they need. Pretending it's over is causing the death and disability of children. Don't let them get away with it.
And wear a mask. It's very Covid-y out there!!
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