@EthicsInBricks posted this lovely tribute to Hannah Arendt on Twitter last October, in honour of her date of birth, October 14, 1906, and I want to save it in the month of her death 45 years ago, so here's the thread all nicely cited and EIB's quotations in bold:
"While overseas imperialism had offered real enough panaceas for the residues of all classes, continental imperialism had nothing to offer except an ideology and a movement. Yet this was quite enough in a time which preferred a key to history to political action, when men in the midst of communal disintegration and social atomization wanted to belong at any price. Similarly, the visible distinction of a white skin, whose advantages in a black or brown environment are easily understood, could be matched successfully by a purely imaginary distinction between an Eastern and a Western, or an Aryan and a non-Aryan soul. The point is that a rather complicated ideology and an organization which furthered no immediate interest proved to be more attractive than tangible advantages and commonplace convictions."
"It is true that storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it, that it brings about consent and reconciliation with things as they really are, and that we may even trust it to contain eventually by implication that last word which we expect from the 'day of judgment.' And yet, if we listen to Isak Dinesen's 'philosophy' of storytelling and think of her life in the light of it, we cannot hep becoming aware of how the slightest misunderstanding, the slightest shift of emphasis in the wrong direction, will inevitably ruin everything."
She died December 4, 1975, 45 years ago this month. What an embarrassing turn journalism has taken since then. And now everything is thrice removed from reality through social media. Tweets that include the context and the relevance and the full quotations are not the ones that reach any popularity with the masses, unfortunately. But these brief ideas in lego at least, hopefully, lead people to read further.
Arendt's insights were completely accurate, Marie -- and deeply troubling.